15 February 2022 I have not been out much of late, this last week spent just dodging storms and carrying out half-term grandchildren responsibilities. We did get down at least onto the beach yesterday, no change, Fulmars in the expected places, full summer plumage Oystercatchers catching crabs and Curlews and Herring Gulls about. Some of the Large Sandstone Blocks on the beach show interesting wave sculpted shapes worthy of Barbara Hepworth or Henry Moore. Unfortunately the stone blocks are about 2 metres wide and must weigh tons and tons, otherwise they would have been a nice feature in my garden. More local news, Med Gulls are above 50 now up at the Pannel Valley and 10 Avocets arrived today at the RHNR.

Author: rxrowl

Retired but still an active birdwatcher and photographer in the RX area

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